BSC Annual Meetings
Biological Stain Commission Annual Meeting

2024 Biological Stain Commission Annual Meeting
November 8th, 2024
Ends October 15th, 2024
Poster & Oral Presentation: October 1, 2024
University of Oklahoma
Stephenson Cancer Center
755 Research Parkway
Oklahoma City OK 73104
The Annual Meeting includes a symposium with invited speakers, a business meeting with reports from the Commission’s officers and committees, presentations by members, and informal discussions and question and answer sessions on scientific and technical topics. Participants include users, manufacturers and vendors of stains, experts in dye analysis and testing, and other interested parties, such as representatives of scientific societies, the FDA and the ISO.
These Scientific Meetings usually are held in early June, often in or near Rochester NY, the site of the Commission’s testing laboratory, and also in other major North American cities.
OTHER RELEVANT MEETINGS: Watch this space! To submit a notice about a meeting, contact the BSC’s webmaster.
To review the proceedings of recent BSC meetings (since 1995), Click here.
Annual Meeting Archives
2007 – Baltimore Maryland
Models of the effects of fixation on proteins. Timothy J. O'Leary, M.D., PhD., Dept. of Veteran's Affairs Using peptide arrays to evaluate the chemistry of fixation and translation of the results to an international clinical proficiency survey. Steven A. Bogen,...
2006 – Milwaukee, WI
Macromolecular changes with formaldehyde fixation and antigen retrieval Richard W. Dapson How formalin fixation affects the outcome of routine and special stains M. Lamar Jones, BS, HT(ASCP), Anatomic Pathology Manager, North Carolina Baptist Hospital,...
2005 – Toronto Ontario, Canada
Rapid Microwave Tissue Processing Dr. A Morales, University of Miami HEIR Techniques Dr. Clive Taylor, University of Southern California Multispectral Multiplexing: More is Merrier Dr. Richard Levenson, Biomedical Systems, CRI Inc. Woburn, MA Digital Blood Smears at...
2004 – Rochester, NY
Anatomy of Plant Pathology. Prof Seigfried Fink, University of Freiburg, Germany. Cytology and Cytophotometry of Nucleic Acid Metabolism During Seed Development in Pine trees. Dr Graeme Berlyn, Yale University, New Haven, CT. Histological and DNA Microarray Techniques...
2003- Rochester, NY
The Use of Dyes in Modern Biomedicine. Dr. Mark Wainwright, University of Leeds, UK Investigation of Photosensitizing Dyes for Pathogen Reduction in Red Cell Suspensions. Dr. Steve Wagner, American Red Cross. Beltsville, MD Improving Pap Stain for Cytometry. Dr. David...
2001 – Birmingham, AL
Romanowsky Stain Mixtures: From Romanowsky to Wittekind and Beyond, Dr. Alton Floyd, Edwardsburg, MI Mucins as Molecular Markers in Neoplasia, Dr. Upender Manne, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL Histochemical Studies on Kidney Glomerular...
2000 – Rochester, NY
Applications of stains in clinical microbiology. Dr. Bereniece Madison, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, Georgia. Stains for gels. Dr. Lisa Williams, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY. Gram's: the mother of all stains. Dr. Terry Beveridge, University of...
1999 – Long Beach, California
Imaging as a tool for standardization. Dr. K. Bauer, University of Pennsylvania. Dr. D. Harrington, University of Nebraska. ChromaVision Medical Systems, San Juan Capistrano, California. Spectral Karyotyping and Spectral Microscopy. Dr. G. McNamara, Spectral Imaging,...
1998 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Molecular events during transendothelial migration: Can we see them? Drs. K. Rogers and M. Sandig, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. Pathology of dementia. Dr. D. Munoz, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. Fluorescent tracing techniques in...
1997 – Rochester, New York
The Biological Stain Commission: 75 years. Dr. P. Penney, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY. Development of dye manufacturing in the United States. Dr. F. Green, Franklin, NC. Dye manufacturing in Europe and efforts toward standardization. Dr. H. Lyon, Hvidovre...