by jkiernan | Aug 4, 2021 | What's New
For an excised tumor it is often important to relate the surfaces of the specimen to their original anatomical locations, to locate any remaining neoplastic tissue that still needs to be removed. Tissue inks are used for painting surfaces in different colors. An ideal...
by jkiernan | May 17, 2021 | News About Dyes and Stains, What's New
Richard W. Dapson writes, on 17th May 2021: Carminic acid and its aluminum lake, carmine, are important histological dyes, but commercial trade in these products has undergone massive shifts in the last few decades due to market forces way beyond histology. Originally...
by jkiernan | Apr 29, 2021 | News About Dyes and Stains, What's New
Are fluorescent probes biological stains? On 29th April 2021 Richard W. Horobin wrote: There are various communities of clinical lab workers who use “traditional” microscopic staining methods, such as hematoxylin and eosin, and the Gram or Papanicolaou stains....
by jkiernan | Jan 8, 2017 | Annual Meetings, B.S.C. News, What's New
Have you paid your membership? Membership is ordinarily renewable one year after the last payment of dues. Each member should receive an automatically generated email reminder, three weeks before the renewal date. Many graduate students and other clinical and...
by jkiernan | Jan 10, 2015 | B.S.C. News, News About Dyes and Stains, What's New
Certified dyes [Updated October 2022] The following additions and changes have been made since 2002, the year of publication of the 10th edition of Conn’s Biological Stains and of a detailed account of tests then used in the Commission’s assay laboratory...