Useful Links

Some web sites and listservers of interest to those who make, sell and use dyes and stains.

Should you find a broken link, please let us know.

  • Biotechnic and Histochemistry. The official journal of the Biological Stain Commission, formerly known as Stain Technology.
  • ETAD. Ecological and Toxicological Association of Dyes and Organic Pigments Manufacturers. Dyestuff manufacturers organization, deals with possible toxicological and ecological problems with industrial dyes.
  • Histochemical Society. Information about meetings, membership, publications etc.
  • IHC World. Life Science Information Network. Histology, histochemistry, immunohistochemistry and much more.
  • Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry. Includes archive of all volumes, with free public access to all but the most recent.
  • MedLine at PubMed. Free public access to MedLine searching of biomedical literature.
  • National Society for Histotechnology. Home page for histotechnologists, especially in N. America, with many links to other relevant web sites. The Society publishes The Journal of Histotechnology (1984 – ), which is available to members of the NSH by way of the society’s web site.
  • National Toxicology Program. Information about toxic and other hazards of thousands of chemicals.
  • NordiQC. An independent scientific organization, promoting the quality of immunohistochemistry by arranging schemes for pathology laboratories, assessing tissue based assays, giving guidelines for improvement and providing good protocols.
  • Royal Microscopical Society. Events, Publications, Outreach, Membership. The Society publishes the Journal of Microscopy and In Focus.
  • Society of Dyers and Colorists. Publisher of the Colour Index. Their journal, Coloration Technology, and books on color chemistry and technology.
  • Stains File. A useful collection of data and methods, from Bryan Lewellyn. Information about fixation and staining.

List Servers