Conference Updates

Annual Meeting 2025

The next annual meeting will be held in Atlanta in the Fall of 2025. Stay tuned for exact dates and venue information!

More Meeting Updates

The agenda for the meeting is coming together well – you can see it here.  Most of the information for the oral sessions is complete, and we have approximately 30 poster submissions.  If you haven’t registered, please do!  We are especially interested in participation by area students and trainees (postdocs, fellows, etc).  Remember that one student and one trainee will be asked to give an oral presentation.

Updated Agenda

Plans for the meeting are coming along well.  An updated agenda has been published that includes most of the platform session titles and speakers, as well as a map of the venues for the meeting (Symposium, BSC meetings, and hotel).  Registration is still open, and we are able to accept late poster abstracts for at least this week.  Remember – two of the best poster submissions (one from a student and one from a postdoc or fellow) will be invited to present a platform presentation.  Also, awards will be given to the outstanding student poster presentations.

Finally, all meeting registrants receive a free year’s membership in the BSC.  This provides free access to the journal  Biotechnic and Histochemistry, as well as the opportunity to contribute to the mission of the BSC and to participate in the annual member meeting.  This year, that meeting will include the election of a new president and at least one trustee.

Abstract Submission Deadline

The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended to October 1.  Please consider submitting an abstract for your poster or platform presentation.  And remember that the organizing committee will be selecting two outstanding poster submission, one from undergraduate or graduate students and one from postdocs or fellows, and inviting the submitters to make platform presentations.

Hotel Information

The Embassy Suites Hotel in Oklahoma City is holding a block of rooms for us at a very reasonable rate ($140 per night for a two room suite).  To reserve a room, click here or call +1 405-239-3900 and request the Biological Stain Commission rate.