Annual Meetings

Annual meeting June 2017 in Pittsford, NY

The 2017 meeting was held on 1st to 3rd June 2017 in Pittsford, which is near Rochester, NY, at the Del Monte Renaissance Hotel, Pittsford, NY. Themes for the scientific sessions on Friday 2nd June were "Fluorochromes" and "Autophagy and use of new techniques that can...

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Download PDFs from June 2016

Download PDF files based on presentations given at the joint meeting of the Biological Stain Commission and Michigan Society of Histotechnologists, 3rd-4th June 2016 R. W. Dapson   Schiff's Rainbow - The mechanisms and consequences of multi-colored Schiff reagents  - ...

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Annual Meeting 2016 in Grand Rapids, Michigan

BIOLOGICAL STAIN COMMISSION The annual scientific meeting for 2016 was held jointly with the Michigan Society of Histotechnologists.  Theme: AN EVENT TO DYE FOR! June 3rd - 4th 2016, Grand Rapids Double Tree Hotel, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. Program.      PDF files...

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Annual Meeting 2015

___________________________________________________ There was no scientific meeting in 2015. The trustees met in Pittsford, NY on Friday 5th June 2015 for a facilitated discussion: Design for the future: Development of the next 5-year plan for the BSC. The Annual...

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2009 – San Antonio, Texas

ANNUAL MEETING OF THE BIOLOGICAL STAIN COMMISSION FRIDAY  JUNE  5,  2009 HYATT REGENCY HOTEL, RIVERWALK SAN ANTONIO,  TEXAS   8:00 – 8:15    Gathering of Attendees  (with beverages, fruit and pastries) 8:15: -8:20       Welcome Alton Floyd, PhD  President,...

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