Annual Meetings

More Meeting Updates

The agenda for the meeting is coming together well - you can see it here.  Most of the information for the oral sessions is complete, and we have approximately 30 poster submissions.  If you haven't registered, please do!  We are especially interested in participation...

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Updated Agenda

Plans for the meeting are coming along well.  An updated agenda has been published that includes most of the platform session titles and speakers, as well as a map of the venues for the meeting (Symposium, BSC meetings, and hotel).  Registration is still open, and we...

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Abstract Submission Deadline

The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended to October 1.  Please consider submitting an abstract for your poster or platform presentation.  And remember that the organizing committee will be selecting two outstanding poster submission, one from...

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Hotel Information

The Embassy Suites Hotel in Oklahoma City is holding a block of rooms for us at a very reasonable rate ($140 per night for a two room suite).  To reserve a room, click here or call +1 405-239-3900 and request the Biological Stain Commission rate.

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Annual meeting 2019 – Rochester, NY

The 2019 annual meeting of the Biological Stain Commission was on Friday and Saturday 14th and 15th June 2019, at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC), near the Hilton Garden Inn, 30 Celebration Drive, Rochester, New York, 14620, USA.  The theme was “The...

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Saratoga Springs, NY, March 2018

The BSC's annual meeting for 2018 was held on 16th and 17th March, jointly with the New York State Histotechnological Society (NYSHS), at the Holiday Inn Saratoga Springs, NY. The schedule was: Friday March 16.   BSC Membership, Business and Committee Meetings....

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2017 – Pittsford, NY

The 2017 meeting was held on 1st to 3rd June 2017 in Pittsford, which is near Rochester, NY, at the Del Monte Renaissance Hotel, Pittsford, NY. Themes for the scientific sessions on Friday 2nd June were “Fluorochromes” and “Autophagy and use of new techniques that can...

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